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High Intensity Radiated Fields (HIRF), Part 3

In the previous articles, we have discussed the need for testing HIRF, the assumptions that were made to determine the field strengths, and the environments they would apply to. There were four HIRF environments created:

  • Fixed Wing Aircraft Severe HIRF (not used in FAA HIRF guidance AC 20-158B)
  • HIRF Environment I – Aircraft Certification
  • HIRF Environment II – Aircraft Normal
  • HIRF Environment III – Rotorcraft Severe HIRF

These environments are based on the type of aircraft and the potential for high-level exposure. For Fixed Wing Severe, these were the worst-case estimated field strengths that could be exposed to civil aircraft under Visual Flight Rules. With the potential of an exceptionally close approach to a transmitter, these levels exceed certification requirements.

For certification of Part 23 and Part 25 aircraft, HIRF I was established as suitable test levels.  HIRF II was a subset of these levels, less severe, which may be encountered during normal flight operation of civil aircraft. The need for very high levels was found for Rotorcraft and established as HIRF III.

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Frequency Fixed Wing Severe HIRF I
(Certification HIRF)
(Normal HIRF)
HIRF III (Rotorcraft Severe HIRF)
Start Stop Peak Average Peak Average Peak Average Peak Average
10 kHz 100 kHz 50 50 50 50 20 20 150 150
100 kHz 500 kHz 60 60 50 50 20 20 200 200
500 kHz 2 MHz 70 70 50 50 30 30 200 200
2 MHz 30 MHz 200 200 100 100 100 100 200 200
30 MHz 70 MHz 30 30 50 50 10 10 200 200
70 MHz 100 MHz 30 30 50 50 10 10 200 200
100 MHz 200 MHz 90 30 100 100 30 10 200 200
200 MHz 400 MHz 70 70 100 100 10 10 200 200
400 MHz 700 MHz 730 80 700 50 700 40 730 200
700 MHz 1 GHz 1400 240 700 100 700 40 1400 240
1 GHz 2 GHz 3300 160 2000 200 1300 160 5000 250
2 GHz 4 GHz 4500 490 3000 200 3000 120 6000 490
4 GHz 6 GHz 7200 300 3000 200 3000 160 7200 400
6 GHz 8 GHz 1100 170 1000 200 400 170 1100 170
8 GHz 12 GHz 2600 330 3000 300 1230 230 5000 330
12 GHz 18 GHz 2000 330 2000 200 730 190 2000 330
18 GHz 40 GHz 1000 420 600 200 600 150 1000 420
Table 1: HIRF Field Strengths Found in FAA Advisory Circular AC 20-158B
The FAA is aware of missing data in Table 3 of the circular. The above table is accurate.


The levels shown are for field strengths exposed to the exterior of the aircraft in question.

To determine the proper category for a given system or function, the HIRF certification level (HCL) classification is assigned. FAA AC 20-158B, paragraph 7.3.1, states:

The HCL classification assigned to the system and functions may be different from the design assurance level assigned for equipment redundancy, software, and complex electronic hardware. This is because HIRF environments can cause common cause effects. The term “design assurance level” should not be used to describe the HCL because of the potential differences in assigned classifications for software, complex electronic hardware, and equipment redundancy. The HIRF safety assessment should include all electrical and electronic equipment, components, and electrical interconnections, and should assume that they are potentially affected by HIRF.

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The system HIRF certification level is divided into three categories based on the severity of failure conditions.

  • System Level A – Catastrophic – is for electrical and electronic system that performs a function whose failure would prevent the continued safe flight and landing of the rotorcraft/airplane.
  • System Level B – Hazardous – is for electrical and electronic system that performs a function whose failure would significantly reduce the capability of the rotorcraft/airplane or the ability of the flight crew to respond to an adverse operating condition. This also applies for airplanes approved for instrument flight rules (IFR) operations.
  • System Level C – Major – is for electrical and electronic system that performs a function whose failure would reduce the capability of the rotorcraft/airplane or the ability of the flight crew to respond to an adverse operating condition.

Since the levels given in Table 1 are for the outside of the aircraft, it is necessary to know the expected attenuation the aircraft may provide, also known as the transfer function of the aircraft. Generic values are provided in Appendix A.3 of the FAA circular. However, there may be benefits to the airframe manufacturer to know what the transfer function is for a particular aircraft. With improved attenuation, coupled fields internal to the airframe will reduce the fields exposed to avionics. Reduced fields can imply less need for high grade filters and shields, reducing weight and cost.

Next – Some methods used to evaluate an aircraft for transfer function levels and how this relates to common standards used for avionics testing.

Read Part 1 | Read Part 2

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