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FCC Updates Speed Test App

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has released an updated version of its smart device application that enables users to evaluate the speed of their mobile broadband connection.

Released to the public in early August, the FCC’s updated Speed Test app now works with the latest versions of the iOS and Android operating systems. The Speed Test app allows users to assess the upload and download speeds of their cellular and Wi-Fi network connections, and well as other broadband characteristics such as latency, jitter and packet loss.

Most importantly, the FCC says that the app collects no personal or uniquely identifiable information from users.

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The Speed Test app is part of the FCC’s mobile Measuring Broadband America program to evaluate the characteristics of our national broadband service capability, as well as actual broadband performance in residential consumer markets.

The iOS version of the FCC’s Speed Test app is available for download.

An Android-compatible version of the app is available.

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