The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has announced changes to its requirements related to the authorization of most radio frequency (RF) devices imported, marketed or used within the U.S.
Under the terms of a Report and Order issued in July, the Commission has made the following changes to its equipment authorization requirements:
- Required labeling information can now be provided to consumers through a device’s electronic display, instead of etching or permanently labeling the exterior of a device.
- The FCC has officially discontinued the use of its Form 740 declaration for imported devices. The use of Form 740 was initially suspended in early 2016, and that suspension was extended in early June.
- The Commission has now combined two separate self-approval procedures into one Supplier Declaration of Conformity.
- The Commission has updated specific measurement procedures and clarified certain standards that may be relied upon for demonstrating that equipment complies with its rules.
In a press release announcing the changes, the FCC notes that its action “continues the FCC’s ongoing efforts to provide greater flexibility and reduce the burdens associated with certain equipment authorization rules.”
Read the Report and Order Updating the Commission’s RF device authorization rules.