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FCC Targets $2M Fine for Bogus Robocall Caller IDs

The U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) has proposed a major enforcement action against one of the companies that transmitted illegal robocalls in advance of New Hampshire’s 2024 Democratic Presidential Primary in January.

The company, Lingo Telecom, reportedly transmitted nearly 4000 of 9500 generative AI Deepfake voice messages that imitated the voice of President Joseph Biden two days ahead of the Primary. According to a Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture issued by the Commission in late May, Lingo failed to verify the accuracy of the caller ID information and then mislabeled the calls with the highest level of caller IT attestation, leading other transmitters to believe that the calls were legitimate.

The FCC has proposed that Lingo pay a fine of $2 million for the company’s apparent violation of the Commission’s caller ID authentication rules, a first-of-its-kind enforcement action by the FCC.

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This white paper describes an alternative approach to calibrating high-voltage systems and provides meter and probe safety considerations and general guidance for safely operating high-voltage equipment.

Read the FCC’s Notice of Apparent Liability for Forfeiture in connection with this case.

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