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FCC Issues Warnings Against Pirate Radio Operators in Boston Area

Continuing its robust efforts to shut down pirate radio broadcasts across the country, the Enforcement Bureau of the U.S. Federal Communications Commission (FCC) issued nine warnings to property owners in the Boston metro area for allowing pirate radio operations on their properties.

According to a press release, Notices of Illegal Pirate Radio Broadcasting were sent to nine individual property owners located in and around Boston, Massachusetts. The targeted properties were reportedly identified during so-called Pirate Sweeps conducted by field agents from the Enforcement Bureau’s Boston Office in June 2023.

Recipients of the Notices were informed of their potential liability for permitting the pirate broadcasts and ordered to submit evidence that pirate operations are no longer being conducted on their properties. Failure to comply with the terms of the FCC’s Notice could subject non-compliant property owners to a maximum of over $2.3 million in financial penalties.

Read the Enforcement Bureau’s press release regarding its enforcement efforts against pirate radio operations in the Boston area.

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Read the complete list of the individual Notices of Illegal Pirate Radio Broadcasting issued by the Bureau.

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