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International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE 2019)

10sepAll Day13International Conference on Lightning and Static Electricity (ICOLSE 2019)(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

Event Details

ICOLSE returns to North America for the first time in 6 years to the Air Capital of the World, Wichita, Kansas, where over 25% of the world’s aircraft have been made and many aviation pioneers got their start.

ICOLSE, held every two years, focuses on lightning phenomenology, effects on and protection of aircraft and other air vehicles, and a wide variety of ground-based systems and facilities such as alternative energy (wind, solar), space launch, telecom, and recreational theme parks. Conference sessions will also address static electricity generation, effects, and protection for aerospace vehicles and industrial facilities that experience the effects of static electricity.



September 10, 2019 - September 13, 2019 (All Day)(GMT-05:00)


National Center for Aviation Training

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