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IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 2017

09aprAll Day12IEEE VLSI Test Symposium 2017(All Day)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

Event Details

The IEEE VLSI Test Symposium explores emerging trends and novel concepts in the testing of integrated circuits and systems. The symposium is a leading international forum where many of the world’s leading test experts and professionals from both industry and academia join to present and debate key issues in testing. VTS 2017 addresses key trends and challenges in the semiconductor design and manufacturing industries through an exciting program that includes Keynote and Plenary Talks, Technical Paper Sessions, Embedded Tutorials, Panels, Hot Topic Sessions, Half-day Tutorials, and the Innovative Practices Track.




April 9, 2017 - April 12, 2017 (All Day)(GMT-04:00)


Caesars Palace

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