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5G Antenna Systems

26sepAll Day5G Antenna Systems(All Day: Thursday)(GMT-04:00) Event Type Conferences & Symposiums

Event Details

5G is here. As telecommunications companies begin to roll out the parameters for Antenna Systems for 5G networks, Antenna designers, engineers and suppliers need to learn how to create Antennas that can handle the increased speed, capacity and bandwidth of a true 5G network.

That is why the organizers of the long time Antenna Systems and Technology Magazine and Antenna Systems Conference have created this event, solely focused on 5G Antenna systems. Attend to learn about market opportunities, new 5G Antenna technology and the endless emerging application trends. Topics will include Antenna Design, integration, 5G developments and insights, and supporting technologies for the 5G ecosystem.

5G will pave the way for many IoT, Smart City, Smart Home, and Smart Device technologies and services. Attend to learn to how to remain on the forefront of this industry!



September 26, 2019 All Day(GMT-05:00)


Convene Grand Central

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