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EU Commission Issues Infringement Decision on Failure to Transpose EU RoHS

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The Commission of the European Union (EU) has stepped up its efforts to ensure that Member States implement the provisions of the EU Directive on hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment.

According to a press release, the Commission has issued infringement decisions to 27 individual Member States for failure to notify the Commission of their transposition efforts related to 11 different EU directives. The notices cover directives addressing the reporting of air pollutant emission projections, the exchange of information between law enforcement authorities in Member States, ferry safety, and others.

Of greatest significance to our readers is the Commission’s infringement notice issued to Cyprus for its failure to communicate its actions to date to implement the provisions of the EU’s Directive on the restriction of hazardous substances in electrical and electronic equipment (EU 22014/1416, more widely known as the RoHS Directive).

Cypress has two months from the date of the Commission’s infringement notice to provide the Commission with an update on their efforts and to complete the transposition of the RoHS provision into national law.

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The EU Commission press release on its efforts to enforce the transposition of EU RoHS Directive and other directives into the laws of Member States is available at https://ec.europa.eu/commission/presscorner/detail/bg/inf_25_273.

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