The U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) has officially launched a new website that allows consumers to post reports of unsafe products, and for manufacturers to respond to those reports.
The new website, which is accessible at, was officially launched on March 11, 2011. The website allows consumers to file a report directly with the CPSC about an incident with an unsafe product or potentially hazardous consumer product. According to the CPSC, approximately 1500 reports of unsafe products have already been posted by consumers since the soft launch of the website in January.
Upon the posting of a report by a consumer of an unsafe product, the CPSC reviews the claim and forwards the report to the manufacturer. The manufacturer then has 10 business days to respond to the CPSC and provide any comments or claims regarding the report. At that point, the consumer’s report and the manufacturer’s response are posted to the website.
Prior to the official launch of, the Commission encouraged manufacturers to register with the CPSC so that they can receive timely, on-line access to reports submitted by consumers about their products. According to the CPSC, about 1400 manufacturers have already signed up through the website’s business portal.
Register your company with the CPSC.