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Company Releases New Standard for High Power Advanced Bus Dc-Dc Converter

hpabc-qbamp_printThe Architects of Modern Power (AMP Group) has announced a new standard aimed to keep designers of high-performance datacom and telecom equipment one step ahead as cloud computing and IoT continue to drive power density and power requirements higher. The standard establishes common mechanical and electrical specifications for high power advanced bus dc-dc converters in distributed power systems.

The new ‘HPABC‑qbAMP’ standard builds upon the previously released “ABC‑ebAMP™’ and ‘ABC‑qbAMP™’ that defined standards for eighth brick and quarter brick advanced bus modules ranging from 264 to 300 W and 420 to 468 W, respectively. Measuring 58.42 x 36.83 mm, the ‘HPABC‑qbAMP’ standard occupies the same board space as a standard quarter brick converter. The new specification defines the mechanical and electrical specifications for analog and digital versions, as well as compatible software configuration files for the digital version. The first products to meet with this new ‘HPABC‑qbAMP’ standard will be announced by AMP Group members early next year.

AMP Group spokesperson and CUI Senior VP, Mark Adams, commented, “Consumers continue to drive the ever-higher demand for IoT connected devices, which puts an increasing strain on data centers and the infrastructure required to power them,” Martin Hägerdal, President of Ericsson Power Modules said, “This new standard continues our commitment to provide leading-edge power technology in support of our belief that advanced power is becoming a must have across various industries,” while Murata Power Solutions’ President & CEO, Steve Pimpis, added, “Ultimately, the introduction of the ‘HPABC-qbAMP’ standard is the AMP Group’s next step in supporting designers as power and performance demands continue their steady climb upwards.”

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The AMP Group is an alliance formed in 2014 between CUI, Ericsson Power Modules and Murata to define a true multi-sourced, high performance power ecosystem for distributed power architectures. AMP Group members have set out to agree upon common mechanical and electrical specifications for their products, including standardization of monitoring, control and communications functions, as well as common configuration files for plug-and-play interoperability between modules from each firm.

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