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Brian Kent

Dr. Brian M. Kent is an independent aerospace consultant with 43 years of experience in electromagnetic analysis and radar signature measurement technology. From 2014-2022, Kent served as Chief Scientist and S&T Lead for Electromagnetics (EM), Radio Frequency (RF), and Sensing Systems for Applied Research Associates. From 1977-2014, he served as a US Air Force Career Civilian employee, having completed multiple assignments and organizations over a 37-year career. From 2003-2009, Kent co-served the Technical Staff of the Columbia Accident Investigation Board (CAIB) and was later detailed to NASA as a technical radar consultant for the Space Shuttle Program Requirements Change Board (PRCB). Kent received his Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Michigan State University and his Masters and Ph.D. in EE from The Ohio State University. He is a Fellow of AFRL, IEEE, and AMTA, and also previously served as an IEEE-APS Distinguished Lecturer. He is also the recipient of the Presidential Rank Award from the Secretary of the Air Force in 2009.

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The 2003 Columbia re-entry accident was caused by a piece of liberated external tank foam that struck and damaged the left leading edge during powered ascent. Computational and experimental electromagnetics were ultimately applied to foster the development of a new NASA Ascent Debris Radar (NDR) for the remaining 22 Shuttle missions. In the process, countless static and dynamic radar signature and EMI/EMC calculations and tests were completed to assure this safety-critical radar system was ready for the return to flight (RTF) missions.

NASA Space Shuttle’s Return to Flight: The Untold Electromagnetic Backstory

After the tragic 2003 Columbia re-entry accident, computational and experimental electromagnetics were ultimately applied to foster the development of a new NASA Ascent Debris Radar (NDR) for the remaining 22 Shuttle missions.

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