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Agilent Technologies Updates Reference-Class Multiwavelength Meter to Extended Recalibration Intervals to Reduce Downtime and Cost of Ownership

Agilent Technologies introduced the newest member of its line of wavelength meters, the 86122C multiwavelength meter. Known for its reliability and durability, this product family is equally popular on the manufacturing floor and engineers’ benches, and it is robust enough to be installed on ships.

With an absolute wavelength accuracy of ±0.2 ppm and ±0.15 ppm differential accuracy, the Agilent 86122C belongs to the top class of wavelength meters available for optical communication testing. Its wavelength range of 1270 to 1650 nm covers all fiber-to-the-home, metro and long-haul transmission systems. The meter can measure the spectra of up to 1,000 laser lines at once, which is more than sufficient for fully populated dense-wavelength-division multiplexed systems (DWDM).

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Statistical data from a large share of the industry’s installed wavelength meters enables Agilent to continuously fine-tune its instruments for lower cost of ownership and longer usage. Agilent has extended the recommended recalibration period of the 86122C to two years, and doubled the expected lifetime of the built-in reference laser. The new multiwavelength meter comes with a five-year warranty that covers not only the reference laser, but all opto-mechanical and electronic parts.

Benefits of the Agilent 86122C multiwavelength meter include:


  • New, long-life stabilized reference laser means less downtime.
  • Five-year warranty on the entire instrument is standard.
  • Recommended recalibration period is two years.
  • Warm-up time for specified accuracy is just 15 minutes.
  • Measurement applications for optical signal-to-noise ratio, wavelength and power drift are built in.
  • An angled-connector option is available to avoid influencing non-isolated sources.
  • Instrument software based on Microsoft Windows® 7 ensures continued support.


Additional information about Agilent’s new wavelength meter is available at

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