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Acal BFI Assist RS Components to Deliver ESD Control Program

AcalAcal BFi, European leader in advanced technology solutions, recently assisted RS Components in delivering its electrostatic discharge control program. RS Components is acutely aware of the need for effective electrostatic discharge controls within its repack facilities.

To demonstrate its ongoing commitment to ESD control, RS maintains certification to ANSI/ESD S20.20, a standard developed by the ESD Association to satisfy the global need in the electronics industry for technically sound ESD control programmes.

For many years the company has been mindful of the benefits of undertaking dynamic walking tests to qualify various flooring and footwear combinations used in its electrostatic discharge protected areas. However, prior to working with Acal BFi, these tests were time-consuming and the equipment used was very cumbersome, consisting of an electrometer, mains supply, PicoScope and a laptop, together with a trolley to transport the equipment around the large warehouse.

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Near and Far Field Measurements with a Vector Network Analyzer

For optimal performance in over-the-air RF systems, antennas must meet specific requirements. Performance parameters like size, wind-loading, environmental ruggedness, transmission pattern, bandwidth, and power handling capability should be considered. Methods of measuring the transmission (or reception) pattern that determines antenna gain with a VNA will be examined in this article.

When, as a result of the ESD S20.20:2014 revision, the walking test became a mandatory requirement, RS Components decided to upgrade its ESD auditing equipment and was looking for a compact, portable product with which to conduct ESD assessments more efficiently. Besides the walking test equipment, it was also seeking to replace an ageing CPM374 charged plate monitor.

Following lengthy investigations, RS Components consulted with Acal BFi who recommended the Model 158A from TREK, Inc. Although it is primarily a charged plate monitor, the multi-functional equipment is equally effective at measuring voltages generated by flooring materials and footwear in combination with people. It features a user-friendly 7 inch screen that is activated through either touch-screen control or corresponding function keys. The compact design supports data collection and incorporates a data storage capability for post-monitoring analysis and evaluation. The real-time data is displayed in both graphical and numerical form which may also be transferred to a USB flash drive or other USB device.

Acal BFi, offering a unique combination of design expertise and leading-edge test and measurement technologies, have a long-standing relationship with TREK, having worked together on a pan-European basis for over 25-years. Acal BFi offer an extensive range of custom services and have the in-house expertise to act as a technical partner, helping customers to choose the right product for their application.

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