Digital Alert Systems, a division of Monroe Electronics and provider of next-generation Common Alerting Protocol (CAP) and Emergency Alert Systems (EAS), announced two new products that double the input capacity of the company’s DASDEC™-II LC low-cost CAP/EAS systems giving low power stations more targeted solutions. The new DASLC+ and DASLC+R accept more monitoring source inputs while providing core EAS/CAP decoding functionality, audio switching, and radios in an all-in-one package. A new expansion slot on each model gives users room for future upgrades.
Like their two-input predecessors, both the DASLC+ and DASLC+R offer broadcasters critical functionality in a low-cost design, while the DASLC+R features three integrated high-performance AM/FM/NOAA radio receivers. Both models meet all FCC Part 11 rules and conform to FEMA CAP v1.2 and IPAWS 1.0 standards, giving most low-power stations everything they should need for FCC EAS compliance.
The DASLC+ and DASLC+R are easy to set up and easy to use. Because all required reports can be emailed to specific station personnel, who only need to check if the unit emails a problem or doesn’t send a weekly or monthly report, it’s almost a set-and-forget EAS/CAP solution. While a new expansion slot assures scalability, an optional software license key allows each unit to be upgraded for full encoder/decoder operation. Users also can choose to enable the video output in order to view a full-screen video display of the EAS/CAP message.
Further information about Digital Alert Systems and the company’s products is available at