Following an investigation by the Federal Communications Commission’s Enforcement Bureau, Windsteam Corporation has agreed to pay $2.5 million to settle their rural call completion. The company has agreed to also implement a three-year plan to meet compliance with FCC requirements in long-distance calls failing to connect in rural areas.
Windstream has agreed to the following as part of the consent decree:
- $2.5 million voluntary contribution to the U.S. Treasury
- Assign a senior corporate officer to serve as a compliance officer to see the rural call completion issues are resolved
- Develop a testing program with FCC and rural LECs to evaluate rural call completion when complaints are reported
The settlement between Windstream Corporation and the FCC is the second major resolution of rural call completion investigations in the last year. Due to these settlements, new rules were adopted in November 2013 to prevent call completion problems and enforce providers to record, retain and report call data completion problems to the bureau.
Read more about what Windstream has also agreed to as part of the consent decree.