Andy Dearn of Plextek RFI gave a presentation on “MMIC Uniplanar Spiral Baluns and Quad-ring Mixers” at the Microwave, RF and Millimetre Wave Modelling & Circuit Design Seminar. This one-day event took place at the University of Surrey on 21 October 2015, and is organized by Keysight Technologies.
Andy Dearn’s presentation described several design approaches for uniplanar spiral baluns, which address the key challenges of these critical components in monolithic diode-based balanced mixer designs. It will present the detailed design and implementation of one example balun, and will move on to describe the design of a complete quad-ring diode mixer using spiral baluns. Details of the design, layout and measured performance were presented.
Delegates at the seminar heard the experiences of industry experts engaged in the key stages of RF, microwave and millimeter wave design flow; from semiconductor device measurement and model extraction, through to circuit design and packaging.
If you missed the event but still want to learn about this topic, you can also check out this video describing the design of planar spiral baluns.